105: Taking Thrifting to the National Stage with Dina of @dinadays
“You don’t have to thrift everything for your wedding, but you can thrift a portion of it and that is what’s going to make it unique!”
Dina (@dinadays) is an award-winning Akron, Ohio-based digital content creator at dinasdays.com dedicated to normalizing secondhand and sustainable style. She provides tips and resources to inspire individuals to save money, keep clothing out of landfills, and tap into their creativity. Her blog has been featured on BuzzFeed, the Akron Beacon Journal, Cleveland Magazine, ThredUP, About Magazine, and more. She is also the host of the Thanks, It’s Thrifted podcast and serves as a creative consultant to entrepreneurs. The only thing she loves more than thrifting, is talking about thrifting, and in whatever she does, she always finds ways to share her thrift tips and finds, and stories.
- How she came to be invited to be on Good Morning America.
- Her favorite memory from being on the national morning program and talking about thrifty weddings!
- Her mission to normalize secondhand and sustainable style.
- Getting into the groove with TikTok and how to approach it differently than other platforms.
- All the ways she has been marketing her brand over the years.
- Why she believes that weddings should be about expressing your individuality.
- What opportunities opened up for her after her appearance on Good Morning America.
- Find out what kind of thrifter you are!